Everyday Kids at BFC

Everyday Kids at Bethany First Church of the Nazarene is a safe place for children and parents. Our program provides a positive, nurturing, and educational experience for your child in a structured Christian environment. We believe that children are our future and we must work together as a unit to help you train your child as they grow physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We follow curriculum that teaches kids age-appropriate academic and social skills. Kids enjoy learning, crafts, motor skills lessons, music, playing with their friends, and so much more at Everyday Kids.

FAQ & Enrollment

Click the buttons below for more information on what to expect at EDK, frequently asked questions, tuition information, and more.


School Calendar

Click the button below to see the school calendars for the current and upcoming years.


More Information

Need more information about Everyday Kids? Click the button below to send EDK Director, Heather Ryno, an email.


For more information or answers to any questions, email Director Heather Ryno: edk@bethanynaz.org.