Prayer First

Each week, a group of people who believe in the power of prayer gather to lift up prayer requests that have come to BFC through pastors, leaders, and regular attenders. This is a time of come and go prayer on Wednesday nights in Room 153 from 4:30-7pm. We would love for you to join us in prayerful support of the BFC community.


Intercessory Prayer Group

The Intercessory Prayer Group meets each week to pray for those who do not yet know Jesus; specific prayer requests from our church community; our church staff; and for Tuesday activities including Celebrate Recovery and Alpha. If you would like to join this group in praying over our community, or if you would like to be prayed for or anointed by a pastor, stop by any Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:30 for a meaningful prayer experience.


Sunday Morning Prayer Time

We encourage you to gather in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings from 8:30-8:50 to pray that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully through our church; that we will continue to reach people with the Gospel; that we will continue to be more like Jesus; and that the Holy Spirit would do His work in our hearts. Come individually or as groups to join together in prayer.