Group Life for you!
Use the filters below to the find the right group for you. If you have any questions, or want to get connected to one of those groups, click the button below!
Time: Sundays at 10am
Location: Room 200
Contact: Cooper Milford
Description: Young Adults is meant to bridge the gap between college life and living life post-school. This class is specifically meant for adults in their junior and senior years of college to adults aged 27. Group leaders will discuss guided scripture readings and make space for you to enjoy time with people going through the same life changes as you!
Leaders: Pastor Kirk Jackson
Time: Sunday Mornings at 10am
Location: BFC Atrium
Contact: Pastor Kirk Jackson,
Description: Singles is the community group connected to the greater BFC Singles ministry. We would love to see you on Sunday morning with other singles who are building relationships with God and one another.
Leaders: Rhonda McKamie & Phil Brown
Time: Wednesday Nights 6:30-8pm; starting August 22 through November 27th
Location: Family Life Center Rec Room
Contact: Rhonda McKamie, Phil Brown
Description: GriefShare is a Bible-based Grief Support Group that offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help.
Facilitators: Ellyn Marsh & Joan Jenkinson
Contact: Ellyn Marsh at 405-659-1059 or Joan Jenkinson at 405-317-4860 for more information.
Description: If you hunger for a deeper, more meaningful prayer life, join us on a unique, guided approach to prayer that has transformed countless lives. A journey with Jesus will saturate your reality and invite you into true life, which is not only personally enriching but shapes the way you move in the world.
Facilitators: Steve Johnson & Cooper Milford
Time: Thursdays at 7-8:30pm; starting September 17th
Location: Meets in a home - contact leader
Contact &
The group consists of single and married young adults in their early to mid-twenties who desire a community that encourages putting their faith into practice. The group lives with “open arms” and is committed to helping each other find their place, passion, and purpose in life.
Facilitator: Pastor Brixton Schmitt
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 18-23
Room: Room 021, Lower Level
Contact Brixton Schmitt at
Description: Sunday Community Group is an opportunity to ask questions and have discussions about what is going on in your faith.
Grief, depression, anger, co-dependency…the list can go on. Many women face these issues every day. This is a safe group to find support so healing can begin to take place.
It is a confidential group you can find life-changing skills and accountability to walk with you on this journey.
(This group is for 18 and older)
Contact: Lorna Ferrell & Terri Cobb
There are many types of abuse that we deal with. Physical, verbal, mental, and emotional. This is a group that allows that person to be open and honest about their situation.
This group allows women to find a safe place, to be honest, and build relationships with those who have overcome these environments and those who still find themselves in this situation. (This group is for 18 and older)
Contact: Lorna Ferrell & Terri Cobb
Women’s addictive small group: Addiction is defined as having a physical or mental dependency, or being unable to stop taking part in without adverse effects. In today’s world, we find many addictive behaviors. This group supports those who are struggling with addictions.
Whether it be technology, shopping, food, or chemical. We are here to help. We walk beside you in a confident, non-judgmental environment. We are here to help. (This group is for 18 and older)
Contact: Lorna Ferrell & Terri Cobb
This group is for men that are struggling with a large range of different issues. This could include grief, depression, anger, abandonment, loss of loved ones, divorce, and suicidal thoughts.
This group is also for men who may struggle with addictive behaviors, such as gambling, drugs, alcohol, or food. This group will help participants to learn how to rebuild relationships that may have been hurt or destroyed by their actions.
Contact: Butch Arico & Terri Cobb
This group is for men who struggle with lust, pornography, sex outside of the marriage, and sex with self. These desires and actions are usually the results of underlying emotional struggles, insecurities, loneliness, and emptiness.
Contact: Butch Arico & Terri Cobb
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone who is dealing with a hurt, habit, or hang-up. It is made up of regular people who are on a journey toward wholeness; seeking recovery and celebrating God's healing. It is not restricted to only people struggling with an addiction—all sorts of issues are represented at CR.
Join us as we pursue real life in Jesus Christ and celebrate the recovery only He can bring. Celebrate Recovery begins every Tuesday evening at 6:30 with a complimentary meal from 5:30 to 6:15.
Tuesday Nights:
● Dinner 5:30-6:15pm
● Large Group 6:30-7:30pm
● Open Share Groups 8:30-9pm
Group for: Women
Leader: Deanna Thomason
Time: Every other Tuesday at 6pm
Location: Meets in a home - contact leader
Description: This group exists to encourage one another in reading through God’s Word. The members are committed to reading through scripture chronologically using the Bible Recap as a guide. Spots are limited.
Group for: Couples and individuals welcome; Multigenerational
Leader: Rick & Carrie Lance
Time: Sundays at 6pm
Location: Meets in a home - contact leader
Description: This group exists to encourage one another in reading through God’s Word. The members are committed to reading through scripture chronologically using the Bible Recap as a guide. Couples and/or individuals desiring to read through scripture within community are encouraged to join.
Group for: Couples and singles age- 60-80
Leader: Jane Riley
Time: Every other Sunday 6:00- 7:30
Location: Meets in a home; contact leader
Description: This group helps people become more like Jesus by looking for ways to put the Scripture into practice. The group meets every other week to discuss the scriptures and sermon topic from Sunday’s message, pray for one another, and encourage one another to become more like Jesus.
Group for: Women, Multi-Generational
Leader: Leslie Wunder
Time: Every other Tuesday at 10 am starting January 24th
Location: BFC Family Life Center
Description: This group will be reading through various books to help us become more like Jesus. The first book they’ll read is Priscilla Shirer book, Fervent. The group meets every other week to discuss recent scripture readings, share thoughts, discuss questions and share how God has been speaking to each person throughout this journey.
Group for: Women, Multigenerational
Leader: Cyndi Lackey
Location: Meets in a home; contact leader
Description: This group exists to encourage and support one another in becoming more like Jesus. They will be studying the New Testament throughout 2023 and following a reading plan on YouVersion called Through the Word.
Group members will read through the New Testament 1 chapter a day and meet together for support and encouragement.
Group for: Men of all generations
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm beginning on September 12
Location: FLC Craft Room
Description: Garage guys meet weekly to study God’s Word and support each other in becoming more like Jesus. They are also passionate about ways to serve the community in various ways. All men are welcome to join!
Group for: Married Couples
Leaders: Andrew and Amy Schlecht
Time: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00
Location: BFC (Room 024)
Description: This is a small group for married couples. One goal for the group is to be a place where they trade God's word and each other. They desire to see families transformed as they grow to understand God's abounding love, patience, and grace.
They study the Word together and commit to read through the entire Bible in a year.
Facilitator: Steve Kelley
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: All ages welcome
Room: Room 120
Contact Cecil Bowles, for more information.
This group is focused on service, fellowship, and discipleship. Our class sessions include interaction around all three of those elements as we support, encourage, and learn from each other.
Our current service commitment is to come alongside the Tulakes congregation as they seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of their community, and we will share in service projects there regularly.
Facilitator: Martha Highley
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 30-70
Room: Family Life Center, Room 1
Contact Martha Highley, for more information.
This class is for women who are single, divorced, or married and attend alone. Ladies of Legacy is a prayerful and supportive class, welcoming anyone with love. Many different backgrounds are represented, and everyone connects well with one another through discussion time and prayer.
Facilitator: Winford Akins
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 60-70
Room: Room 153
Contact Winford Akins, for more information.
Each week the group format centers on a discussion, with the focus being reflecting on the pastor’s sermon, sharing reflections, and seeking to make an individual application.
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 50-80
Room: Room 152, Chapel
Contact Lowell Churchill, for more information.
This class is a lively group, and is very welcoming to newcomers. The group format is lecture presentation with some discussion and praying together. This group is service-oriented, and hosts regular social events outside of class time.
Facilitator: Ron Willard
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 50-70
Room: Room 151, Chapel
Contact Ron Willard, for more information.
Great Expectations is a fellowship of faithful, encouraging, caring people who love to laugh, share, and pray for each other. The class format is conversational-style Bible teaching that encourages class participation.
Facilitators: Lyndell Watson
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 60-80
Room: Room 123, Main Level
Contact Gary Banz, for more information.
A mixture of those still in the workforce and those now retired, this group often sings together, with sharing and discussion on a weekly basis. Reach Out has as annual class retreat.
Each week’s lessons are based on Scripture, rarely using other books or video resources.
Facilitator: Kep Keoppel
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 55-70
Room: Room 150, Chapel
Contact Kep Keoppel, for more information.
This class is made up of people from a wide range of occupations, most with grown children. The class is generous, mission-minded, and socially active, with small group suppers, and several social events throughout the year.
Facilitators: Jane Riley, Terry Wood, Larry Jones
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 55-70
Room: Room 022, Lower Level
Contact Mark McCaslin, for more information.
Lifelifters class features a team-teaching approach with a teaching focus being on Bible study and discussion. This class consists of singles and married couples. Class members are very supportive of each other in prayer and have regular social gatherings.
Facilitator: Deretta Austin
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 50-70
Room: Room 027, Lower Level
Contact Marlene Russell, for more information.
This class is highly interactive and service-oriented. Group members come from a variety of backgrounds and ages, and it is their mission to make everyone feel included. Teaching style includes a presentation by the teacher with significant opportunity for discussion and prayer.
Facilitator: Bill Thomas
Time: Sundays at 10am
Ages: 50-70
Room: Room 100, North Entry
Contact Bill Thomas, for more information.
Cornerstone class has an active, engaging atmosphere. Lecture, discussion, and video are all a part of the learning method in this class. They have regular social events and includes people from various life stages and backgrounds.