Your children are important to us.
Here is what we are doing to create a space that is safe and helps them develop their faith!
Belong, Believe, Become, Be Sent
Four cornerstones to help your family deepen their faith
Our Family Ministries Discipleship Plans provide students, parents, families, and volunteers the important content and curriculum information for all worship services, Bible studies, small groups, retreats, and other discipleship opportunities. The curriculum for each area of Family Ministries is built around our four cornerstones of discipleship: Belong; Believe; Become; Be Sent.
We hope to provide holistic discipleship opportunities focusing on nurturing relationships, fostering a strong foundation of faith, promoting a vibrant personal relationship with Jesus, and equipping this generation to impact their world for Christ. Each element is meant to enhance the discipleship already happening within your family.
We wholeheartedly believe in the power of baptism in your preteen’s walk of faith. Baptism is a big faith step and we want to walk with you and your preteen through this journey! If your preteen is interested in baptism, let us know below!
Safe Kids
Bethany First Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our children and youth. We do this by asking all our volunteers and employees to complete a screening process, attend training classes, and to undergo criminal background checks. We then provide them with practical and protective policies that they can implement while working with our youngest and most vulnerable population.
Our Zero-Tolerance and Mandatory Reporting Policy
“The Church of the Nazarene has adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with minors. All workers, leaders, and pastoral staff are to be above reproach in their conduct and to act in the best interest of others. This requires not only that they themselves refrain from engaging in any abusive or suspicious behavior involving minors; they will also be required to report without delay to the proper authorities anyone seen engaging in such behavior.”
- Nazarene Board of General Superintendents
Our Volunteer Process
Building our safe environment starts with our volunteering application process. This looks different for adult and youth volunteers.
Complete a Volunteer/Employee Application
Provide references (references must not be related and have known applicant for more than 2 years)
Complete a background check
Face to face conversation with the ministry area leader
Review and sign the BFC Policies Statement
Complete the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training Program
Complete a Volunteer Application
Provide references (references must not be related and have known applicant for more than 2 years)
Face to face conversation with the ministry area leader
Review and sign the BFC Policies Statement
Depending on the ministry of interest, volunteers may need to have attended BFC for six consecutive months before starting.