Family Life Park Construction Begins

This week is a big milestone in the Family Life Park project! Construction has begun. This week's focus is site preparation around the Floyd Center, which includes demolition of fencing, sidewalks, curbing, landscaping, and structures to make way for the necessary earthwork that will come next. Construction fencing will be set up next week around the project, but we will maintain access to the Floyd Center through the north entrance. Michael Engle, Facilities Director says, "many people have contributed and worked hard to get us to this day. I'm excited to be part of this project and to bring the Family Life Park to our community.

Through the construction process, the ministries of our After School Program and Tulakes Community Church, which both use the Floyd Center each week, will continue with minor adjustments as needed. We’re grateful for the flexibility and patience of our community during this season.

While we are excited to see construction happening, we are even more eager to see what the future holds for the Family Life Park and BFC Recreation. Natalie Espinoza, Community Ministries Director says, "More than fields for baseball or soccer games, the vision of the Family Life Park is to be a place for families, friends and neighbors to gather and do life together." We are full of anticipation for how this space will be used by our church and local community!

Along with Michael and Natalie, our project oversight team includes Doug Adams and Judy Akins. We’re grateful for the hard work of this team in bringing the Family Life project to life.


Why We Love Recreation Ministries: Building Character & Forming Relationships


BFC Family Life Park Preparation