Retreat in Daily Life

Journey with Jesus through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Rather than going to a retreat center or event, participants make a retreat in the flow of their daily lives for a period of 30 weeks. This retreat is an adventure toward encountering the Living God through the narratives of the Gospels.

A Journey with Jesus is not for spectators but for those with a hunger for something deeper, a yearning to walk with Jesus (not just read about Jesus), a desire to embrace more of what God has for you and a longing to be equipped to partner with Him.            
In the tradition of Ignatian spirituality, the retreat focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus through a prayerful encounter with Scripture. The Ignatian principle of “finding God in all things” lies at the heart of the retreat.
David Fleming, SJ


30 weeks from mid-September through early May. Each retreatant commits to these three activities:

•    Daily private prayer, which includes Scripture, reflection and journaling.
• Weekly small group meetings in which participants share their prayer experiences with the group. Groups are facilitated by a trained Spiritual Director.
•    Twice monthly, meet individually with a Spiritual Director trained in Ignatius Exercises.

A Spiritual Director is trained and experienced in listening and asking leading questions to draw the retreatant deeper in their spiritual growth as they journey through the exercises. 
Your own personal Bible; Journey with Jesus by Larry Warner; Love: A Guide to Prayer by Jacqueline Bergan; Sacrament of the Present Moment by Jean-Pierre DeCaussade

$65 per month
$25 per month covers all materials, books
and Group Spiritual Director.

$40 per month covers participant’s
Individual Spiritual Director—two meetings
per month at $20.
No one is turned away from the retreat for lack of funds. A fee schedule based on ability to pay will be agreed upon.

The First Step

If you are interested in the Retreat in Daily Life, contact one of the facilitators listed to schedule an initial interview. Interviews will take place July 1 through August 31. The interview process is an opportunity for you to learn more about the retreat, to discern with a facilitator whether or not you are ready to make the retreat at this time, and to begin prayer practices that prepare you for the retreat experience.

Time and Location 
Groups will meet from 5:30 to 7, Sunday evening at Bethany First Church of the Nazarene on 39th Expressway, Bethany. Child care provided.


Ellyn Marsh

Joan Jenkinson

Pam Eggleston

Please leave a message and your
call will be returned.


My prayer and spiritual life has grown beyond what I could have ever imagined. Feeling more loved by a more loving God.
I have loved my group sharing and it has benefitted me greatly. To hear another’s take on the same thing I read, was very enlightening and opened my eyes to more possibilities.
The Retreat in Daily Life provided a whole new avenue of prayer that has given me the experience of really walking, talking, and doing life WITH Jesus.
A closer relationship with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I experience Jesus and his humanity in a way I had never experienced. This has changed my prayer life so much.
The Retreat is a game changer! I am a better Christian and family member because I am a better listener. I will never be without a Spiritual Director.
The opportunity to give life and more intensity to my relation with our Lord.
I am continually becoming a part of God’s story in my daily life though meditating on the stories in scriptures, God’s Word to me.